Friday, March 16, 2007

What Web2.0 Developer Networks Should Be...

I recently sent something out internally as a "look at this". Got zilch back, when I was expecting a bit more of an "Oh wow". So, I might as well try here, and explain why I saw an"Oh, wow".

My first failing on exciting interest is that this relates to gaming and PS3. WAIT. COME BACK. that's it, there, there. It's going to be ok - trust me, this is going somewhere.

There's a video here which you probably need to look at first, though this post should all make sense if you don't. The video's showing a game from the recent Sony development conference, and is cut half-way through a keynote. Just before this, the two demonstrators have been showing how those two cute guys on screen can easily plug together little 3d objects which interact using real-world physics. We join them for the last minute of this demo (that spinning thing good example of the plug-play I'm talking about) before they go off and show a world they've put together previously. They end up explaining that anyone can build like this, both objects and world, and anyone can share.

Right, watch it for a few minutes till you get bored (it's worth watching to end just for the sKateboard but your call - just want you to get the concept)...

Web2.0 is about community participation. It is about inclusion. It is about mash-ups, creating new applications from the bits 'n' pieces of other applications. I'd like to argue its not practising what it preaches.

As I'm not a developer, I'm excluded. Comprehensively excluded. I'm only allowed to join in when the development community chooses to let me in - add a review, a tag, a rating. "But I want to build my own mash-ups and applications using library-relevant web services - I've got loads of ideas", I shout. "No", says Mr Developer, "you can't. Only we're allowed to do that because we have 'special knowledge'".

The game demonstrated is the first true example where this is not the case. It is expressing the "API's" or Web Services (or, for you non-techs, the discrete functional bits which do stuff) at the highest layer, within the user interface. It passes my favourite validation criteria for technology - namely "Could my Mum do it?" Within this game, my Mum can become as good a developer as anyone else because ALL developer complexity has been hidden. She can build new objects (content, with associated function), share these (expose via API) or build new applications entirely (using existing objects/functions which come with the "platform", use the one's she's developed, or use objects/functions that are out in the cloud).

Couple of other interesting points. Firstly, the PS3 is placing this development environment in a very interesting place - the front living room - its the Web2.0 concept of moving to the point where the user is more comfortable interacting. Secondly, Sony's philosophy for the future of gaming is tagged "emergent gaming". What was an industry-scorned sound bite is shown in the video to be a truly unique concept. The players make up their own game (purpose, goals, business rules) as they play. Because it's an open sandbox, they can choose to stop and do something else fun with what's on the screen. Or, interestingly, they can add to the screen - mash-up on the fly, if you will. Think about that...not only is this a development platform which 6billion people could use, its a real-time collaborative development environment.

Now, consider Web2.0 and the whole "web as a platform". Currently, this is exclusive, and hidden behind techno-babble for the majority of the population. We talk about opening up the silo's of data, about network participation and user collaboration. Well, surely its also about opening up the functionality using the same concepts. And not just to an insular community, but to everyone. Why shouldn't I be able to build my own "OPAC" (I hate that term). Yes, me. Not my web team. Not a software house. Me. As a librarian. A true library platform is something librarians can build with, throwing function and content together not just in isolation, but in a collaborative way, all together. And our users can do the same. Not just tweak some preferences in their account settings - literally drag/drop content and function around the screen to create their own unique OPAC-like application. Or build their own content/function, and share that too.

Yeah, I'm a dreamer. But this shouldn't have to be a dream. As Web2.0 matures, I anticipate seeing this dream emerging, and we all - everyone one of us - wake up in a world where there is no such thing as a "Developer Network". There are just people, everyday people (including my Mum!), building, sharing and creating. And then we will see true innovation.

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